Dementia Friendly Haddington Meets


Dementia Friendly Haddington met this week and made plans. The organising group pictured above have set their caps at becoming a Dementia Friendly charity! We want to raise awareness of dementia locally and so plan a presence at the Farmers Market in the autumn. We’reĀ  looking for volunteers to help us make jam, knit, sew and bake things, whatever you can create to sell on the stall and help us get people involved and informed.

We also spoke about how we might get involved with other Haddington events. For example, Andrena spoke about how people Letham Gardens in Dunbar had their first ever experience of being part of civic week and loved every minute! It’s never too late to be the Gala King and Queen!

There were lots of ideas about how we use our networks and contacts to spread the word and encourage people to get involved. We’re going to make upĀ leaflets, banners and contact local media. Nessie, a resident of Market Court, kindly agreed to design a logo and compose a special Dementia Friendly Haddington poem.

We’ve also got a special Luminate event planned for the Day Centre on 8 October when Bob Mitchell will tell tall tales.

Watch this space for more excitement to come!

We’re looking for enthusiastic folk to join us. Our next meeting will be on 4 August at Market Court Haddington. 12-30 – 2 pm. Thereafter we’ll meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, maybe at different venues. Every meeting is open, everyone is welcome. Come and join us!

Look forward to seeing you there!

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One Comment

  1. hi , my name is ross walker and i live in haddington , i recently lost my father who had early onset dementia and would like to donate the money which was raised after the funeral service , my mother also has dementia so we feel it would be fitting to help out a local charity , we would appreciate it if you could contact me to arrange this ,many thanks

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