Hello all, greetings, it seems like a very long time, almost another life, since the last blog and newsletter in March. Just a few weeks ago, we were in the early stages of setting up East Lothian’s first Meeting Centre in Musselburgh after a very successful and lively Community Meeting with […]
Dear all, as we learn more about the virus, information changes regularly. Please keep an eye out for new information: https://www.nhsinform.scot/coronavirus Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NHS24 Do not attend your GP, Health centre or Hospital if you are worried. Stay at Home and phone your GP or out of hours phone NHS 24 on 111. COVID-19 in Scotland […]
MUSSELBURGH MEETING CENTRE WORKSHOP: FEBRUARY 19th 2020 Musselburgh Health and Well Being Group, part of the Musselburgh Area Partnership, has started a community conversation about dementia and is exploring the possibility of setting up East Lothian’s first Meeting Centre. To start things off, we invited local people and groups to come together to talk about […]
Hello! We held our Winter Gathering at the end of November. Gatherings are an opportunity for people affected by dementia to have their voices heard, set priorities and work together to make life better for people affected by dementia. Over 50 folks got together to look at how we make change happen: People […]
The DFEL Winter Gathering on 26th November will be looking at 3 big issues that people with dementia and carers want to see change and improve – information, carers and transport. Transport and getting round East Lothian comes up in almost every group and every conversation. Buses, parking, driving, pavements, trains are all hot […]
Hello! welcome to Dementia Awareness Week 2019! Life with dementia is tough…There’s no cure or magic pill, but we can all do our bit to make a difference. Everything from raising awareness and understanding about dementia to building friendships and links in our communities can help to change the world. This year, we’re asking people […]
Our 2019 Spring Gathering focussed on dementia and the new East Lothian Health and Social Care Strategy (LINK HERE) The Strategy has 6 change areas: Primary Care Adults with Complex Needs Mental Health and Substance Misuse Shifting the Balance of Care Reprovision Carers Dementia is a ‘golden thread’ covered in every area of work. Specific […]
Hello and a very happy New Year! It’s going to be a very interesting year… Our priorities for the year to come have been set by people who live with dementia every day – people with dementia and care-partners, families and friends. Over 2019, DFEL will be working in partnership to ensure that people living […]