North Berwick Coastal Area Partnership Area Plan

This Plan is the draft as circulated on 16/1/16 and is very long!   NORTH BERWICK COASTAL AREA PARTNERSHIP PLAN 2015-2025 Introduction The North Berwick Coastal area is a great place to live and the North Berwick Coastal Area Partnership Plan is about making life even better for everyone who lives, gets around, works and visits […]

Dementia Friendly North Berwick Community Event 2014

DEMENTIA FRIENDLY NORTH BERWICK EVENT REPORT   Tuesday 22 April 2014 10am-12noon & 7pm-9pm Hope Rooms, North Berwick Facebook: North Berwick Dementia Friendly Community DEMENTIA FRIENDLY NORTH BERWICK STARTING THE CONVERSATION   HOW IT ALL BEGAN 1,729 people in East Lothian have a diagnosis of dementia, and this number is forecast to rise to 3.542 […]

What Dementia Friendly East Lothian is all about

We have three important principles; Empower Support Include    Who we are Local people who want to make our communities great for people with dementia and carers to live, visit and work in We come together as a loose, community led collaborative of local residents, carers, volunteers and paid workers with common cause Rooted in […]

Note of our Training Event September 2015

DEMENTIA FRIENDLY EAST LOTHIAN: SUPPORT AND TRAINING FOR MAKING LIFE GREAT FOR PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA   What people wanted to know What courses or training I need to do to help me support people with dementia How do I get a greater understanding of what dementia training is available, who can deliver and what are […]